Services We Offer…
MTGL, Inc. provides comprehensive geotechnical and materials engineering services specializing in the following areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Inspection/ Testing, Materials Engineering/ Construction Consulting, Pavement Consulting, Non-destructive Examination, Roof Inspection/ Testing, and Environmental Services.
Materials and Soils Testing
MTGL, Inc. provides comprehensive geotechnical and materials engineering services specializing in the following areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Inspection/ Testing, Materials Engineering/ Construction Consulting, Pavement Consulting, Non-destructive Examination, Roof Inspection/ Testing, Environmental Services.
Materials Engineering identifies, analyzes and recommends optimum types or combinations of structural construction materials. The objective in testing materials combinations is to achieve the perfect balance of critical performance quality for a reasonable investment and encourage the most cost-effective solutions.
If structural materials perform inadequately, or if uncertainties exist about their quality, MTGL can quantify unknown properties, investigate, and report how and why these conditions exist. When requested, we will recommend acceptable alternatives.
Our firm has expertise with the properties of concrete, asphalt, masonry, steel, and other materials, as well as the full range of construction practices. MTGL's personnel are skilled at determining or investigating construction problems and providing our clients with economical solutions.
Geotechnical Engineering
A precise and comprehensive geotechnical or subsurface exploration is of paramount importance. Unforeseen conditions can result in costly construction delays. A proper investigation can provide the opportunity for a more cost-effective foundation design and smooth-running project.
MTGL has been active in all phases of geotechnical engineering, construction inspection, and materials testing for all aspects of commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential developments since its formation.
Our team uses geologic and soil engineering methods to solve challenges inherent to the practice of geotechnical engineering. We assess the impact of natural geologic conditions (soil types, bedrock, seismicity, landslides, and groundwater) on development projects and provide solutions to resolve geotechnical constraints.
The firm offers professional consulting services encompassing a wide variety of subjects and disciplines related to the earth sciences. Consulting services are provided in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Groundwater, Earthquake Engineering, and laboratory and field testing.
Services include:
planning studies;
feasibility studies;
preliminary and final design;
grading and foundation plan review;
testing and verification; and
engineering consultation during construction.
Construction Inspection
MTGL, Inc. provides comprehensive geotechnical and materials engineering services specializing in the following areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Inspection/ Testing, Materials Engineering/ Construction Consulting, Pavement Consulting, Non-destructive Examination, Roof Inspection/ Testing, Environmental Services.
Quality control for construction and industry is an essential part of assuring that the nationally recognized construction standards are being followed.
MTGL provides complete materials testing, inspection, and quality control services to all facets of the construction industry. Our services are performed in our laboratory, at fabrication plants, and at construction sites. We verify compliance with municipal, state, and national building codes and standards as well as project plans and specifications.
Our well-trained, competent inspectors and technicians, as well as our laboratory facilities, are governmentally certified by local and national agencies. All phases of operation are supervised by a highly qualified staff of registered engineers.
MTGL helps maintain the balance between quality and economy. Our purpose is to provide information, services, and expert recommendations that allow our clients to design and construct safe, practical, and successful projects.
Laboratory Services
MTGL, Inc. has three fully certified laboratories in Southern California to serve our clients’ needs. Our laboratories are certified by numerous agencies to provide Geotechnical Investigations, Special Inspection and Materials Testing and can provide virtually any test required.
Each of our laboratories currently operates in compliance with ASTM D3666, E329, E543, and E548. We are certified by Division of State Architect for Title 24, CBC (California Building Code) Inspections, HCAI, and Caltrans.
Our certifications include:
Division of State Architect
County of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles
City of San Diego
Army Corps of Engineers
Our accreditation includes:
AASHTO Accreditation Program (Anaheim and San Diego)
Environmental Services
MTGL, Inc.’s Environmental/Industrial Hygiene’s Team of Certified Consultants and Inspectors have decades of experience providing sound consulting and inspections in today’s environmentally sensitive industry. We understand and are committed to providing specified services to a wide range of Clientele including, but not limited to Governmental, Industrial, Commercial and Private customers.
Asbestos Inspections/Surveys/Project Monitoring, Work Plans/Project Specifications and Clearances in compliance with EPA protocols for NESHAP, APCD Rule 1206 and SCAQMD Rule 1403 conducted by DOSH Certified Asbestos Consultants, Technicians and AHERA Building Inspectors.
Lead Paint Inspections/Risk Assessments/Project Monitoring, Work Plans/Project Specifications and Clearances conducted by CDPH Certified Lead in Construction Inspector/Assessors and CDPH Certified Lead in Construction Project Monitors.
Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) Analysis by Certified NIOSH 582 Microscopist (MTGL is proficient in the Industrial Hygiene Proficiency Analytical Testing (IHPAT) Program conducted by the American Industrial Hygiene Association.)
Mold/Allergen/Water Intrusion Inspections w/Infrared Thermal Imaging, Testing, Remediation Specifications and Clearance Sampling. Infection Control Permits by Certified Infection Control Risk Assessors.
AAMA & ASTM Window Leak Testing including Windows/Doors, Curtain Wall, Storefront, Skylights
DTSC Soil Import/Export Clean Fill/Waste Characterization Inspections and Analysis for Contaminants
Expert Witness Testimony-Litigations Support, Document/Deposition Review, Trial/Deposition Testimony
Overview of Services
Asphalt batch plant inspection
Asphalt mix design review
Concrete batch plant inspection
Concrete cracking analysis
Coring of concrete and masonry
Slurry Seal Replacement
Fault evaluations
Field instrumentation and monitoring
Fireproofing inspection
Foundation design
Geophysical studies
High strength anchor and expansion bolt testing
Laboratory testing of soils
Asphalt concrete, mortar, grout and steel testing
Landslide evaluations
Load testing of bolts and embeds